Explore through the experience of travelers. Share yours and your pictures to the world !
Take a break for a moment and hop on new horizons...
Maybe you'll find your next destination!
And share easily your story with your loved ones
If you are not already traveling, you can start by planning your trip. Notes the countries you will be visiting, dates, places and things to do while being there!
Relate your trip story here, we made everything to help you write down the amazing story of your journey. Adds it maps, details, pictures and advice to help other travelers.
That it ? You have just finished your first step ? Share it to your friends and made them discover your last trip.
You can share your trip with your friends and relate it together and share easily your pictures.
If you don't want to publish some photos of you to everyone on the internet, you can set theme private. Only you and your friends will be able to see theme.
We still need more time to achieve all the functionality and some are not activated, we are still improving the site!
Any questions? Any suggested improvements? Let us know!